A Bio-Weapon’s Rhapsody

Chapter 20: There is [Truth] and there are [Books]…

That was tiring.

"[Status within optimal range, finished purging of troublesome emotions... Brain chemistry once again optimal.]"

Also, her [Eyes] hurt, her nose was stuffy, and she would need to recycle the fluids stuck to her [Outer armor], and restock more [Water] after having lost so much in this activity.

"Are you feeling okay now?" The [Woman] had stayed with her all the time, [Hugging] her.

That was a thing it seemed that [Older] members of this race did, it helped alleviate the biochemical instability in their younger members.

"[Hug: The act of giving comfort to members of their race under duress. Effectivity under study, need more samples.]"

...So I need to collect more hugs?

That would be...harsh, she didn't want to [Cry] that often, even if she was the most beautiful of all, crying didn't feel like something [Cute] to do.

"Here, clean your nos-" The [Woman] was about to give her a piece of [Fabric] before stopping and staring at her, "...That is a neat way to deal with the after-effects of crying, are you using your [Power] to return your eyes and nose back to normal?"

She was indeed using her skills as a bio-weapon to morph her body back to the base state, she was still missing a few millimeters of moisture and some grams of biomass from the nasal fluid she lost though.

"Okay, now let's play a game. I ask a question, you answer [Truthfully], then you get to ask a question and I in turn answer [Truthfully]. One of my Core Power's limits is that should I promise to answer truthfully I will need to fulfill that promise." The [Woman] offered to her as she pointed to a [Chair] for her, then sat herself in the [Desk].

That seemed...

"[Acceptable, so long there is an option to refuse.]"

Right, she needed the guarantee of being able to refuse. "I can do it, so long I can refuse to answer some questions." Main Core was right.

"Hmm...That is fine, but you get no question and will need to answer another question, you only get three chances to refuse though. If you refuse three questions I am not giving you a Job nor a place to crash. I will give you another address to go through. If your Core was unstable then I may accept you anyway, but yours isn't Unstable." The [Woman] said.

She didn't want to go elsewhere though, so she may need to sacrifice some inform-

"[Warning, actions of host are endangering prime directives, reroll though-]"

Main Core started to say before she clamped it down "[BEHAVE]" and hissed under her breath.

"Everything okay?" The [Woman] asked, but she ignored her and turned inwardly.

"[...Re analyzing situation, reassessing prime directives...Current activities within margin, proceed Host.]"

That's what I thought.

"Yes, who starts?" Alexa asked after glaring at [Main Core], she would need to get some private time to check on those, [Main Core] had attempted a thought reroll. He shouldn't have enough agency to do that.

Then what would have rerolled? She would need to make sure about that.

"Okay, first question...Are you a System? How many people are inside that pretty head of you?" The [Woman] started once more, right? She had asked that before. Did she know about her OS?

"I need clarifications first, you ask if I'm a [System], or what [System] I run on? These seem to imply your definition of what a [System] is, is different from mine." Alexa said she found the question dangerous in itself. The [Woman] seemed to think that she was [Human] but then went ahead and asked if she was running a [System] or not.

"Hmm...Right, then let me elaborate..." The [Woman] hummed to herself before nodding and started saying, "Okay a System is when in your head there are multiple other voices that are different from You, they have their own personality, and memories and sometimes they can take control of your body. Some lose memories of what the other people did, some can see...So, is anyone inside there with you?"

...The heck is that? Are the [Humans] so advanced that they can share bodies with others? Or was this a form of organic dual consciousness stream going? Was she like that?

"[Technically, that definition is accurate. While Main Core does not hold a personality or memories, it can be considered a pseudo-consciousness stream independent from the one the organic brain has running. Even if both ultimately are part of the whole.]"

So the answer was a yes...? "I guess? There are two voices in my head and we do speak among us...?" Alexa answered tentatively. She wasn't quite sure if the answer was correct or not.

But since the [Woman] nodded as she answered, then it should be correct, "Okay good enough, ask away your question then." The [Woman] said with a [Smile] at her, making motions with her hands toward her chest.

...Somehow it annoyed her that her bulges were bigger than hers.

"Why do you care if I'm one of those [Systems] or not." She said, almost immediately regretting her question. She should have asked something relevant to her immediate survival, or how to get the correct qualifications to get the [Job] or [Place to crash] offered before!

"...I should have asked for the right of denial too." The [Woman] sighed, only making her [Eyes] narrow, was that the correct question then? "A System is...okay, let me start with saying this. A system can be created for many reasons, it can be made for natural reasons, and it can be created because you have a vibrant and wonderful imagination!"

The [Woman] made some weird movements with her hands and smiled brightly at that, only for her face to turn downcast after and adding, "But the most common reason for it is usually Trauma...and by your face, you don't know that word, of course, you don't...fricking kids..."

The [Woman] sighed more and more, did she have a malfunction in her [Breathing] organs?

"Trauma is... like if someone did something very bad to you, made you want to run away, made you cry till you fell asleep every single night, or when someone abused you. Ring any bell?" The [Woman] turned to her after that and turned to her. "This will be my question by the way."

...Traumatic experiences huh...

"[Those may include body modification if the logs readings of pain amount are to be believed, also body dismembering, and multiple activities realized while at the testing chambers.]"

"Would the [Trauma] you speak of include above normal pain, below average eating, low intake energy food, tasteless food, body dismembering, or multiple high stress and stakes situations in combat settings?" Alexa asked to clarify her questions brought up by [Main Core], getting a small nod from the [Woman], and she noticed a small tremble in her facial expression. As if she was fighting to control her own reaction. Interesting.

"I will use my first denial to a question. I do not want to elaborate or answer that question." Alexa decided in the end, to explain the limits of her pain tolerance or the full spectrum of her bio-morphing abilities.

"That is fair, then my next question... Are you running away from somewhere?" The [Woman] asked. Wasn't that obvious?

"Yes, my previous... [Dwelling] wasn't as comfortable after an [Incident]." Alexa answered, then started thinking. What could she ask now?

She needed something that served her purpose.

"What are the qualifications I need to fulfill to get the [Job] and get a new [Housing]?" She ended by asking in the end, this was important, should she not be able to get this place to grant her an entry into the more broad aspects of [Human] society. Then at least she could tailor her approach to the next one.

"Usually we ask for our employee to be of age, which is above 16 years old at the bare minimum. If their qualifications are good enough we can accept fifteen. Usually, those under eighteen are accepted under the premise of being trained and they pay for their time with us." The [Woman] started saying, so she was missing 1095 days at the bare minimum? Would she need to find a blueprint for those ages, or try to calculate it from scratch?

No wait, hadn't she said that this age was the absolute minimum they could ever accept?

"Yes, we do have some employees in the twelve age range, the current age you seem to...have...I will ask you about that next, anyway. If our employees are Supers we make more allowances. Even so, the bare minimum we have ever accepted was twelve years old because that girl's power was adequate for logistics within one of the employers we work with." The [Woman] said after reading part of her line of thought.

How did that work?

"My turn again... What will you do if we don't employ you?" The [Woman] then asked her, what would she do?

"I will try to find [Employment] and a [Dwelling] in another place." She answered as just, the [Woman] didn't seem surprised by her answer, even if she wasn't to be happy with her answer.

"My turn, should I get the [Job], how will I get the needed information to perform the [Job]?" That was important, she needed a steady source of information.

"...*sigh* Girl, you shouldn't need to worry...Ughh...." The [Woman] seemed to have some problems with her internal processing, in the end, she ended up answering her question "Yes, we will provide you with training and manuals that you will need to read and memorize...We will need your contact information to give you..."

She stopped speaking, narrowing her eyes at her, had her [Face] shown more of her internal turmoil? She was, after all, not sure if she would be able to receive new data streams after leaving the [Testing Chambers]. She hadn't tried it yet and wasn't sure what type of data stream the [Humans] used.

She doubted the encrypted messages used to guide her here were the only way to share information and data, that would be so...

"Question. Do you know how to read?" The [Woman] asked her with her eyes narrowed as she searched for something on her [Desk], "This is part of the question, read this."

And then handed her a piece of [Paper], it was different from the one before, and unlike what she had used so far, this one seemed to be using a different method of engraving than the [Letters] she had found on the [Streets].

The [Letters] were imprinted using a faulty model or something, it was closer to curves than the clear lines..." Main Core? The translation suit is ready?" She asked inwardly.

Getting a weird reaction from the [Woman]'s face as one of her [Eyebrow]’s seemed to rise a few centimeters.

"[Negative, not enough data.]"

...Dang it.

"...I know the amount of different variations that exist within this [Encryption] and could probably work..." She started saying, trying to find a way to phrase it so she wouldn't be seen as an [Inferior] model within the same line she currently seemed to be part of.

"Can you read it?" The [Woman] doubled down in her question.


"Not yet. Given time I may be able to infer the meaning if I get more [Data]" She answered in the end.

Had she known they would require this of her, she would probably have prepared more, why had she rushed here though? She could see the flaws of her previous planning, they were so obvious!

She didn't have any idea of where she was rushing in, she didn't know what she could expect, she had only come here like...like...

"[A bumbling fool high in sucrose.]"

...Was her previous form the reason why? Was her [Brain] affecting more of her actions?

She would need to check on that...And maybe rethink the limits of what form she took, she did notice that in her more [Human] forms she had different levels of [Feelings] and [Needs] that she hadn't experienced before when she was in her [Crab] form.

"Okay...Not ideal...But we can work with this." The [Woman] said, bringing her away from her musings. "Last question then...Can I speak to your system mate?"

She asked again. Granted, she had all the power in this relationship, but could [Main Core] speak with her? Would she need to open a data stream?

Was it safe to do?

"[Inconclusive evidence, advice to check in isolated area with no witness and with a backup ready...]"

Main core seemed to be wary of opening those gates within the data stream, as was she, they probably were wary for different reasons. She didn't [Need] Main core, it was convenient, and she was used to having a [Main Core]. But most of her functions came from whatever [Core] was formed in the testing chamber.

So should [Main Core] become a liability, she could always destroy it and make a new one...

"[Highly inefficient-]" Main core of course was against that "Effective way to deal with hostile takeover, if you know of a better way I'm listening."

Alas, that wasn't the problem at hand. How could that [Woman] speak to Main Core, there wasn't an actual way of doing so without linking the data stream...

"[Answer: Shift part of the organic parts within the throat to create an audio projector and use that to connect the data stream to create an artificial voice.]"

Oh, that was as good a way as any.

"Yes, let me just...move this..." She answered the woman as she felt part of her [Throat] shift and change, the Nanites within her bloodstream working in moving part of the remaining biomass within her body, it felt weird having a metallic part within this body.

Even if her previous one was designed to accommodate both fleshy bits and mechanical ones. This body didn't seem to be well designed in that aspect, maybe the [Human Anatomy] wasn't prepared for these changes?

Or was it that the older models within the [Humans] were the only ones prepared for these changes? [Frank the beetle] seemed fine with his body having chitin and flesh combined. He had, after all, both exoskeleton and endoskeleton systems.

"[Test...Test...]" She heard the telltale voice of a square-shaped entity resonating within her body. That...That [Scared] her.

"[Host, please open the mouth.]"

And almost in reflex to the times she had listened without question the [Square-shaped entities] she did open her mouth, only for the voice of one of the [Square-shaped entities] started to flow from her mouth.

"[Greetings Human, what is that you require of me to grant Alexa work within your faction.]" Main Core started speaking, why was using the voice of the square-shaped entities though?

"Interesting, I have no idea how are you speaking without moving your mouth...Is it part of your power?" The [Woman] said, oh right. Main Core wasn't using her vocal cords...

"[I was not part of the deal you made with Alexa, so I'm not beholden to follow those rules. Do you want to make such a deal with me too?]" Main Core seemed...different.

It was a stark contrast with how it acted with her, it was...

"[New Emotion detected, Pride: To feel superior about your position within a social situation without any doubt.]"

That, Main Core feels too prideful compared to how it acted with her.

"That is fine, so...What's the deal with you?" The [Woman] asked Main Core.

"[Unknown meaning to question. My purpose is to serve host to the best of my abilities and help her achieve her goals.]" Main Core said she was getting tired of having her mouth open.

But this seemed important, so she needed to endure!

"Do you have a name?" The [Woman] asked.

Why would [Main Core] have a name?

"[We have a designation and number granted to us by the Humans in charge, only Host has a Name since it was deemed needed to join Human society.]" Main Core answered. That was way too close to comfort!

"That is enough," Alexa said as she started to remove the new addition to her throat.

"I guess it is enough to get an idea of what kind of System you have going..." The [Woman] answered after, then while grabbing some smaller piece of paper, it was close in size to what [Frank the bettle] had given her before.

"What is that?" Asked Alexa as the [Woman] handed her the piece of paper, it was full of more of those [Letters].

"Is the answer to whether you get the job or not." Smiled the [Woman].

"...I still don't have the necessary information to decrypt this kind of [Information]," Alexa said while frowning at the [Woman].

"Oh right, here we have this one too." The [Woman] said while giving her a bundle of [Pieces of paper] stuck between two harder pieces of material. Her initial analysis determined that the outer parts were harder, probably to protect the information within.

Opening to the first page revealed the image of a [Human - Child Stage Female] dressed just like she was a minute ago.

Followed by a big white blob with the letters [Girl].

Looking at the first hard piece after closing the book she found the inscriptions on the outside too.

[Learn to Read]

In bold [Letters], then below that another series of [Letters], [Age 3-6].

Well, she would try to use this as a cipher then, "Now come, and sit. We will be practicing this at least till lunch. Depending on how good you become we will decide if sending you alone or with an escort to the induction." The [Woman] said while grabbing her by the [Hand] and moving her to a [Chair] nearby.

So she would help her in the deciphering? That was...Nice of her.


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