A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 143: Unexpected Performance

The dismal green light emitted by the Otherworldly Tree seemed to have a penetrating effect through the mist, illuminating the surrounding area. The reconnaissance bees transmitted images showing three petrified lizards clustered around the Otherworldly Tree. Judging by their size, all three were fully grown petrified lizards, nearly two meters in length, with a dark gray surface.

As a fourth-level magical creature, they weren't particularly robust, lacking sharp claws or fangs, their strength and movements far from agile. However, they possessed a unique magical ability - the power to petrify living organisms with a special magic field released through their eyes.

The speed at which their gaze could shift was considerable. Once locked on, unless there were specific countermeasures, one would have to confront the petrification magic.

Of course, it wasn't a certainty; it also depended on the target's mental strength and magical resistance.

"There are three petrified lizards ahead," Hua Mi informed the duo. Originally meant to discuss tactical assignments, he intended to use the "Summon Earth Giant" scroll to divert the attention of the petrified lizards. Perhaps the Earth Giant would also fall under the petrification control, but it might buy them an opportunity to attack.

Unexpectedly, before a discussion could ensue, Dreyen's fists crackled with electricity. "Just three? I can handle it alone!"

Confidence exuded from him. But was he boasting or did he genuinely possess such skills?

At that moment, Ojea chimed in, "Leave it to him. He's the one who could single-handedly take down a Thunder Roc; three fourth-level magical creatures are no problem."

Though unfamiliar with a Thunder Roc, judging by her tone, it seemed to be some kind of advanced magical creature. It appeared that this Tianlei Peak resident truly possessed remarkable abilities.

Given both siblings vouched for him so strongly, any dissent from him might come off as disdainful.

After a moment's thought, Hua Mi passed him some Thunder Flower Nectar and Feathered Illusion Honey Pills. The former complemented Dreyen's lightning affinity, while the latter aimed to provide protection.

As for the "Holy Light Blade," that attack method was challenging to wield and required extensive practice, something he wouldn't grasp immediately.

However, Dreyen boldly declined taking the pills, flipping off his deer mount, stretching his limbs. Electric currents coiled around his calves, and like an arrow released from a bow, he vanished into the mist, leaving only a streak of lightning in the air.

Hua Mi hastily urged the deer to fly after him.

Before they reached the scene, the battle had already commenced. From the perspective of the reconnaissance bees, Dreyen wasted no time, leaping onto a rubble, fists crackling with electricity, and thunderously striking the ground. Three bolts of lightning shot towards the petrified lizards from his landing point, hitting them almost instantly.

The lizards contorted in agony within the lightning, but that was all. Their bodies showed minimal signs of damage from the lightning. What's more peculiar was the faint green aura surfacing on their bodies, gradually isolating them from the lightning's power.

"Impossible! That's not the petrified lizards' ability," Hua Mi exclaimed. Dreyen, without pause, approached the nearest lizard, brandishing a conical dagger surrounded by blue-white lightning, aiming for the lizard's vital points.

Yet, in an instant, the lizard, still partially under control, fixated its gaze on Dreyen. What should have been a dull gray iris now carried a faint green hue.

Something's wrong! The tip of the dagger stopped a few centimeters before the lizard's throat, unable to advance further. Dreyen's pupils dilated as he felt his hands and feet slowly stiffen.

By this time, the other two lizards had broken free from control, focusing their attention on him. Petrification spread from Dreyen's limbs at a visible pace, turning them gray and progressively harder, petrifying.


"Careful! These petrified lizards are different!" Ojea's voice sounded from behind, a desperate warning. But petrification had reached his chest, restricting his ability to respond; he wasn't sure if the others heard him.

"Damn, underestimated them."

Dreyen struggled to resist the petrification magic but to no avail. These three exceptional petrified lizards held formidable collective strength.

Would he perish here? Suddenly, a buzzing noise erupted behind him.

His peripheral vision caught a mass of "blood mist" pressing toward them, splitting into three strands, each attaching to a petrified lizard's body.

The lizards emitted hissing sounds, writhing as their gazes shifted away from him. The petrification halted, only stopping at his chest.

Except for his head, everything had turned into stone, including his body.

"That's... insects?"

Dreyen realized that the "blood mist" seemed to be composed of individual insects. The green aura on the lizard's bodies seemed devoured by the swarm.

One lizard roared, redirecting its gaze toward another petrified lizard.

Very clever.

They couldn't petrify the swarm attached to themselves but could do so to each other.

The effect was immediate - a large number of insects petrified instantly.

The remaining swarm dispersed and flew into the air.

In that moment, a figure suddenly entered his field of view.

It was that green deer! The man who called himself the "Bee Whisperer" and Ojea rode on its back.

The former exuded a divine glow, wielding a radiant blade, swooping past a petrified lizard, swiftly decapitating it.

The trio charged into the mist, disappearing from his sight. But shortly after, they returned from the other side of the Otherworldly Tree.

Ojea held a round weapon with sharp edges, emitting a multitude of electric arcs. Although not hitting, it grabbed the lizards' attention. Simultaneously, the Bee Whisperer charged in, transforming his radiant blade into a spear shape.


The spear, forged from concentrated holy light, pierced through the bodies of the two petrified lizards.


Hua Mi sliced open the stomach of one lizard, pouring its stomach fluids onto Dreyen's body.

Gradually, the petrified parts reverted to flesh and blood.

In about half a minute, he had fully recovered. The stomach fluid of the petrified lizards could reverse the petrification if applied promptly. However, if petrification persisted too long, turning into stone would render the stomach fluid ineffective.

"Phew," Dreyen breathed out, attempting to ease the awkwardness. "I was just about to go all out, but you guys arrived at that moment. I was afraid of accidentally harming you, so I held back."

Ojea rolled her eyes, ignoring him, and looked towards Hua Mi. The latter gazed up at the Otherworldly Tree.

"Cough," Dreyen cleared his throat, diverting the topic to ease the tension. "By the way, these three petrified lizards seem to possess an unusual power within them. Do you have any clues?"

Ojea shook her head, and Hua Mi also expressed ignorance.

"Perhaps it's influenced by the

Otherworldly Tree," Hua Mi speculated, walking towards the tree and controlling the bee swarm to reach the canopy's height, plucking a blossom from the tree.

This blossom only contained a single seed.

With so many Otherworldly Tree blossoms, it would probably only take three or four trees to satisfy the bee swarm's honey collection. Nevertheless, for safety, he collected over ten seeds.

As he prepared to descend, his gaze inadvertently caught sight of something, sending a jolt through him.


The trunk of the Otherworldly Tree didn't seem like a single entity; instead, it appeared composed of intertwining, slender vine-like trunks. Through the gaps, Hua Mi glimpsed what seemed like a human figure.

Just as he moved closer for a better look, he suddenly heard Dreyen shout, "Who's there!"

Hua Mi turned to look. Emerging from the mist was a figure wielding a staff emitting a green light, dispelling the fog in the area.

"I'm the guardian of the Misty Mountains."

The druid? Hua Mi's mind immediately recalled the adventurer's manual description. Quite different from expectations. She exuded a wild beauty, with tousled brown hair, a grass crown on her head, clad in ragged clothing, barefoot.

Her face appeared to be smeared with intentional pigments or unintentional dirt, making it impossible to discern her appearance.

In short, a near-feral demeanor.

She shouldn't be an enemy.

The trio of petrified lizards stood near the Otherworldly Tree, emitting an eerie presence in the mist. Were they planted here by the druid? Maybe their unusual behavior stemmed from druidic magic.

Their purpose here could be to guard the Otherworldly Tree, or perhaps they were watching the figure glimpsed earlier in the tree's vicinity.

Hua Mi's mind buzzed with thoughts.

Unexpectedly, Lu Fei trotted cheerfully towards the druid.

In astonishment, Hua Mi watched as Lu Fei lowered its head, nudging the druid's arm with its head. The druid, in turn, caressed Lu Fei's head.

Their interaction was heartwarming!

Hua Mi felt a pang of discomfort.

"Is this the druid's trick?" he wondered. No, he hadn't noticed her using magic. Lu Fei appeared normal, behaving as if it went on its own accord.

"Could Lu Fei be her creation?"

Like a treant, another creation of the druid. That explained why it felt like living wood.

"So, I'm the third wheel..."

At that moment, another figure emerged from the mist, appearing beside the druid.

It was a familiar face.

The centaur, Nite.


"The Withering Curse was released by the Abyssal Research Association?"

Nite's disclosure of this secret didn't shock the few present. The siblings weren't familiar with the association, and Hua Mi, as an otherworldly visitor, didn't react much.

Instead, the figure in the tree caught his interest.

The druid waved her staff, parting the trunk, revealing a flamboyantly dressed young man within. His purple attire, though luxurious, bore tears and bloodstains.

According to the druid, he was a minstrel who stumbled upon the secret of the Withering Curse. Pursued by the association, he sought refuge in the Misty Mountains.

Nearly at death's door, the druid saved him, using the Otherworldly Tree's properties to mend his damaged spirit.

After this period of recovery, he had almost healed. The druid's magic had awakened him.

"I will expose the association's crimes to the world," declared the minstrel, calling himself Jimmy. "Soon, all of Mordu City will know their deeds. Their leader will either be remembered honorably or face disgrace. The latter seems imminent for their chairman."

His resentment was palpable.

Nite pledged to support the minstrel, providing the wild omens he had gathered and interpreted. As a credible centaur, his information was convincing.

However, he suggested devising a plan, catching them off guard, to create maximum impact when the truth was revealed.

The minstrel agreed.

Hua Mi felt detached from this matter; he was just an observer. But about the timing and location, he had a suggestion.

"In a few days, it's Princess Karen's coming-of-age ceremony."

"That indeed is a grand stage, but we lack entry passes."

"I have a way."

Hua Mi referred to Alyss, of course.

"By the way, there's one more thing I need your help with." The minstrel, a bit weary, paused before continuing. "When I thought I was done for, I used my power to inform a friend about the curse. I received a message from him; his companion, a mage named Carter, is here in Mordu City instead. We must find him quickly to prevent any danger."


What a coincidence.

Hua Mi marveled at the small world.

"Leave the search to us!"

The duo from Tianlei Peak had been struggling to follow along but finally caught on. "Rest assured, we have unique techniques for finding people!"

To Hua Mi's relief, Lu Fei chose to follow him when they departed. The druid didn't object, only leaning close to its forehead, whispering a few words before letting it leave with Hua Mi.

This improved Hua Mi's impression of the druid significantly.


Three days later.

Near the royal palace in Mordu City, a man-made highland stood.

A winding mountain path led to the summit, where a palace stood.

This spot often hosted celebrations and foreign envoy receptions for royal nobles.

Tonight, it was Princess Karen's coming-of-age ceremony, making it especially bustling.

The road, adorned with lights and decorations, created a grand setting for the occasion.

As the dance concluded, guests streamed out of the hall, leaving the stage to the upcoming theatrical performance.

But few paid attention.

The attendees, nobles, officials, and the wealthy, were busy networking.

Princess Karen managed to sneak away from the lively hall and found Susie and Alyss chatting outside.

"So tired. I've never been to such a draining party before." Karen slumped in a chair, disregarding her posture.

"You were the star tonight." Susie chuckled.

"Who wants to be the star in this kind of thing?" Karen straightened up and asked Alyss, "By the way, didn't you mention that alchemist was coming? Where is he?"

"Don't know," Alyss replied. "But he asked me to tell you that there's an exciting show coming up."

"All these old tricks, what excitement can they bring?"


On the hall's stage, a play was unfolding.

Though hardly anyone watched, the actors gave their all.

Suddenly, the background music stopped, and the actors froze, astonished. "Who are you?" one exclaimed, confused. "You're not part of the play!"

This abrupt performance change drew attention.

A minstrel-like figure in a mask appeared on stage. "You needn't know who I am. Just listen to what I'm about to reveal next."

With a bow towards the hall's entrance, he continued, "Respected Princess, I seek your permission to uncover a monumental conspiracy."

The actors exchanged bewildered glances.

What's going on?

Why isn't this following the script?

Approaching the edge of the stage, the masked figure raised his arms, commencing a resonant recitation, "He, burdened with responsibility, acts wantonly; He, dressed in finery, harbors evil intentions; He, with lofty positions, is laden with lies..."

His rhythmic recital, mellifluous tone, captivated the hall's many eyes.

As he continued his poetic tale, vivid images unfolded, painting a narrative before the audience's eyes.

They delved into the Abyss.

Researched the Abyss.

Sought to control its power.

Risked drawing out the curse from the Abyss.

Realized they couldn't control it.

As the truth unfolded, they chose to divide and release the curse secretly.

Forests turned into scorched earth.

Countless lives perished.


Someone realized this was the minstrel's unique ability.

This imagery couldn't have been conjured from mere imagination.

"...Respected Majesty, allow me to reveal!" The minstrel removed his mask, revealing a face painted in exaggerated comedic style. Pointing down to the audience, he continued, "The mastermind is there!"

In an instant, it felt as if a spotlight had shone on that person.

All eyes focused.

In the hall, whispers circulated.

The pointed person wasn't anyone else but the chairman of the Abyssal Research Association.

Expressionless, he stood

with a glass, his eerie fluorescent eyes showing no particular emotion.

People instinctively moved away from him.

The immediate reaction was: he was finished.

Whether rumors were true or not, with these allegations and the previous rumors, his position as chairman seemed unstable.

"I can testify."

A deep voice sounded from the entrance.

Walking in was a centaur.

Most viewed this race with a mix of respect and distance.

"I'm willing to cooperate and provide all the signs of the wild I've gathered," the centaur continued.

Silence fell over the hall.

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