A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 127: The Insightful Fire Eyes and Feathery Illusions

Hua Mi proceeded to open five Canghuo Beehives one after the other.

For some unknown reason, luck seemed particularly favorable today. Even the Canghuo Beehives produced something.

From one hive dropped a droplet-shaped trinket, slightly larger than a melon seed. It wasn't entirely solid; only a thin layer on the surface resembled waxy film, while the inside held a liquid.

Upon inspection, the superficial waxy film appeared mundane, typical beeswax. But the liquid inside bore some kind of tempering and evolution effect.

Applying it to the eyeballs allowed them to fully absorb it.

The eyes would gain the attribute of "Breaking Illusions."

This ability not only enhanced vision and granted night vision but, more importantly, allowed seeing through illusions, reaching the essence of things.

No additional mana consumption was needed; it merely required mental drive.

Another means of fortifying oneself, a beneficial by-product indeed.

Hua Mi promptly punctured the waxy film, preparing to drip the liquid into their eyes.

The liquid inside had twice the density of pure water, with a certain viscosity smaller than honey's.

Carefully, like administering eye drops, Hua Mi evenly dripped the liquid inside the film onto both eyeballs.

The eyelids reflexively closed.

Yet, the eyeballs didn't feel particularly stimulating; instead, a lubricating comfort spread.

With closed eyes, Hua Mi instinctively maneuvered the eyeballs to ensure complete contact with the liquid.

A sudden sensation.

A glaring white light filled Hua Mi's vision, as though staring directly at the sun with closed eyes.

Within the sight, a fierce, pale flame appeared to burn intensely.

The eyeballs felt scorching, tears uncontrollably streamed down—impossible to contain.

Describing the current state as "tears streaming down the face" was not an exaggeration.

The eyes couldn't even open.

For a moment, it seemed like blindness might ensue.

Fortunately, this abnormal state didn't last too long.

After about ten seconds, the scorching sensation faded, and the tears finally ceased.

Following the brief discomfort, the eyeballs experienced a long-lost, clear, relaxed sensation.

Hua Mi opened their eyes.

The first sight was the eight small creatures, their expressions bewildered.

Assuring themself of being alright, Hua Mi blinked, surveying the surroundings.

If they had a mirror, they'd notice their eyeballs were exceedingly bright, akin to a newborn's.

The enhancement in vision was rather evident.

The world before their eyes appeared refreshed; many previously overlooked details came into focus.

If usual sight was HD, this was at least UHD, even the colors of objects seemed more vivid.

For instance, the Seven Small Ones' fur appeared more vibrant than ever.

Moreover, Hua Mi effortlessly discerned details, like the fur on a Dali Bee located several meters away, almost like using a magnifying glass.

All this achievable with just a bit of mental power.

Yet, this was just the foundation.

What truly amazed was the ability of these eyes to perceive the Illusion Breaking Art.

Hua Mi directed their mental energy into the eyes.

The eyeballs slightly heated up, a glint appearing in the pupils, resembling a flickering flame.

Instantly, the perspective changed, a state difficult to describe—sharpness intensified significantly.

In this view, it became easier to comprehend the essence of things, even locating vulnerabilities in combat.

And it was far from reaching its limit.

This ability could continue to improve.

Simply by dripping this particular liquid into the eyes, one could continuously strengthen them.

"This is truly an extraordinary insight."

Continuing, Hua Mi opened the remaining thirty Big Power Beehives.

No results.

Seemingly, the likelihood of the Big Power Bees producing by-products was relatively low.

Nevertheless, yielding two useful by-products in one go was satisfactory.

"Next, the characteristics of the Feathery Illusions Honey..."

Hua Mi began appraising the honey.

Having "Fire Eyes" made the appraisal quicker and more accurate.

The appearance of this honey was extraordinary.

It emitted a dreamlike glow, not a reflection but radiating on its own.

Contained within a bottle, a pure glow surrounded the vessel, seeming tangible yet untouchable.

"Praise the Holy Light."

Regardless of whether it was truly holy light, that's what Hua Mi decided to call it.

The scientific theory applied to this magical honey was accurate—similar to the Thunder Flower Honey, it continuously released magical energy outwardly.

However, the release was extremely slow.

To exhaust this bottle, it would take at least hundreds, if not thousands, of years...

Upon consuming the Feathery Illusions Honey, this light-like energy transformed within the body into a more tangible existence—a special form between energy and matter.

This intermediate state, residing within the body, would enhance the consumer's magical resistance and physical defense.

Hua Mi took a spoonful.

Surprisingly bland in taste, just a hint of sweetness, akin to a thick farmer's punch.

Not honey at all.

Following this, a feeling of the "holy light" began permeating their body, evenly filling every corner. Every cell soaked in this "holy light," making the body feel slightly "enriched."

This form of the holy light was far more unstable than the honey form, dissipating much faster.

The amount from a spoonful would dissipate in about two to three minutes under normal circumstances.

Moreover, external stimuli would hasten its dissipation.

For example, enduring a heavy blow could dissipate it instantly.

Under normal conditions, the holy light distributed evenly within the body, but seemingly, one could manipulate its transfer and aggregation within the body using mental energy.

Utilizing mental energy, Hua Mi gathered all the holy light onto their right hand.

The right hand instantly emitted light, a stimulating kind, as if numerous silver needles shot out continuously.

There was room for further advancement...

In an instant—

The holy light completely detached from Hua Mi's body, transforming into a ball of light shooting toward the ground.

With a soft "bang," it created a fist-sized dent in the soft soil.

"Excellent, it can be used as an attacking means."

Hua Mi wasn't prepared, unintentionally letting the holy light fly out directly.

They felt that with better concentration, perhaps they could maintain the holy light in a suitable intermediate state—sharp but not completely detached.

Worth a try.

Hua Mi consumed several spoonfuls consecutively.

The density of the holy light within the body was several times higher than before.

Once again, they controlled the light, aggregating it into the right hand. The radiance was stronger than before.

Then, using formidable mental power, they began shaping the holy light.

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